Speakers Overview

Otaviano Canuto
Executive Director at the Executive Board of Directors of the World Bank Group representing Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Haiti, Panama, Philippines, Suriname, and Trinidad & Tobago. Prior to this position, Mr. Canuto served in the following capacities: Executive Director of the Board of Directors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Vice President, Executive Director and Senior Advisor on BRICS economies at the World Bank, and Vice President for Countries at the Inter-American Development Bank. He was also State Secretary for International Affairs at the Brazilian Ministry of Finance. Additionally, he holds an extensive academic background, with experience as Professor of macro and international economics at the University of São Paulo (USP) and at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), in Brazil.
Lecture “Ten years after the global financial crisis”, Wednesday, September 12, 5:30 pm

Marcos Brandão de Andrade
Head of the Financial Education Division of the Department of Promotion of Financial Citizenship at the Central Bank and Specialist in Financial Regulation, he is also serving the Executive Secretariat of the National Financial Education Committee – CONEF. He previously served as Coordinator of Technical Guidance in the Citizen Assistance Department at the Central Bank, with broad experience in regulation of conduct. He also holds a bachelor degree in Business Administration at the Universidade Federal da Bahia and Services Marketing at ESPM.
Lecture “The Role of Regulatory Authority in Financial Education”, Tursday, September 13, 11 am

José Júnior de Oliveira
José Junior de Oliveira holds a bachelor degree in Economics (PUC – RS), Postgraduation – Specialization in Financial Management (Unisinos) and Professional Master in Applied Economics (UFRGS). He is currently President at APIMEC-SUL, Senior Investiment Analyst at Caixa de Assistência dos Empregados do banco do Estado do RGS – CABERGS and Professor on the fields of Finance and Financial and Capital Markets at ESPM SUL, Professor of Financial Mathematics, Economics and Markets and Finance at FTEC/IBGEN. Professor of Finance, Capital Markets and Corporate Governance in Postgraduate courses in several higher education institutions. Certified Investment Professional Analyst (CNPI) by APIMEC. José Junior de Oliveira has experience in the fields of Economics, Investment Analysis, with emphasis on Finance and Resource Management in the Financial and Capital Markets.
Lecture “The stock market as a savings and investment instrument”, Thursday, September 13, 5:30 pm

Patrícia Palermo
Economic graduate from UFRGS with masters and doctorate degrees in Applied Economics by the same university. Professor at ESPM, Faculdades São Francisco de Assis and Uniritter. Economist with extensive experience on business entities. Lecturer and author of books. Winner of the 2016 Economist of the Year by the Regional Council of Economy – RS.
Lecture “The Brazilian economy and the challenges of financial education”, Friday, September 14, 2 pm

Frederike Monika Budiner Mette
Postdoctoral researcher at PMDGI (ESPM/SP), PhD in Business (UNISINOS), with Sandwich Doctorate at University of Oxford, Master of Science by the Management School (PPGA/UFRGS), Specialist in Economics and Finance by PPGE/UFRGS and undergraduate in Actuarial Sciences at UFRGS. Professor of marketing studies at ESPM Sul since 2009, and coordinator of the field of Finance and the research group and the Bachelor Final Project, she lectures in Marketing, Design, Management, Journalism and International Relations, and PostGraduation courses. She also lectures at Unifin since 2009 in Management, on Capital Markets. MBA professor at Uniritter and Senac/SC. She currently researches on Economic Psychology, Consumer Behavior, Financial Education and Behavioral Finance. She is also consultant in the area of finance with valuation of companies, advice for mergers, acquisitions and fundraising, cost structure, pricing and financial management.
Lecture “Financial education from the perspective of behavioral finances”, Friday, September 14, 4 pm

Rodrigo Sisnandes Pereira
Master degree candidate in Business and Management at PUC-RS. Specialist in Public Management at Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. He holds a bachelor degree in Management by the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. He is currently President of the CEEE Foundation of Social Security, where he has previously served as Director of Security.
Lecture “Financial education and supplementary pension”, Friday, September 14, 5 pm.